Join the fun and bring a friend! More events to come. Call for more information 0419 903 649
What is Modern Roc? It's a fun and easy style of dancing, incorporating many genre’s, even if you have 2 left feet!
What type of music is played? All genres of music that is great to dance to. We keep up to date with the latest songs and we are happy to take requests.
What do I wear? Comfortable clothing and either dance shoes or a smooth shoe sole. Modern Roc tops are available to purchase from our Store.
Do I need a partner? couples and singles are all welcome.
When and where can I attend? North of the River: Loftus Recreation Centre- Cnr of Vincent & Loftus Street Leederville, Perth W.A. Wednesday at 7:35pm. South of the River: Hilton Bowling Club- 64 Shepherd St Beaconsfield Perth W.A. Thursday at 7 pm and Tuesdays at The Willage Senior Citizens Centre at 1 Jemerson St Willagee. All classes run weekly from 18th January to 18th December.